Is CBD legal in South Carolina

Is CBD Legal In South Carolina? South Carolina CBD Laws

By Joe Kryszak Published on 07/29/2021

CBD and Cannabis Laws in South Carolina

Are CBD and cannabis legal in South Carolina? Everything you need to know about buying CBD and cannabis in South Carolina!

What is the current status of CBD in South Carolina, and what do you need to know about CBD laws in South Carolina before you purchase any premium cannabidiol (CBD) products in South Carolina?

To help make purchasing CBD online in South Carolina as easy as possible, we’ll take a close look at the current South Carolina CBD laws and what you need to know!

What are the South Carolina CBD Laws?

What are the South Carolina CBD Laws

CBD oil in South Carolina is 100% legal and can be purchased both in brick and mortar stores and also online.

The state of South Carolina has a long history of growing hemp for commercial purposes, but hemp was never the biggest crop in the state, with other crops such as rice taking center stage in the state’s early history.

Just because hemp is now legal to grow in South Carolina, it doesn’t mean that just anyone starts planting and cultivating industrial hemp.

The South Carolina Department of Agriculture is responsible for overseeing the cultivation and harvest of hemp plants throughout the state.

In addition, you must apply for a permit to grow hemp, pass criminal background checks, and also pay licensing fees to grow hemp in South Carolina.

South Carolina has adopted the federal definition of hemp, and CBD products are 100% legal as long as they contain less than 0.3% THC.

How to Purchase Premium South Carolina CBD Products

When it comes to purchasing any CBD products in South Carolina, you have a wide variety of choices. New CBD companies are entering the online market every day.

However, not all of these new CBD companies have the best intentions. Therefore, it’s vital to stick with reliable CBD companies such as Stirling CBD when you are buying CBD online.

One of the things you should look out for includes buying from CBD companies that stand behind the quality of their CBD products with independent third-party laboratory testing.

You should look for CBD products that clearly display how much cannabidiol (CBD) is in the product, along with ensuring that there are no pesticides or unwanted chemicals.

Stirling CBD stocks a huge variety of premium, high-quality CBD products, all of which are available online in South Carolina – all with fast delivery. The versatility of CBD makes it ideal for various delivery methods, including CBD oils, CBD tincturesCBD Capsules, CBD edibles, and CBD balms.

Studies into CBD worldwide look very promising, but more clinical trials are required before we can make any medical claims about CBD.

Anecdotal evidence from users worldwide looks promising, but no two people or their conditions are exactly alike.

South Carolina started investigating the possibility of hemp as an agricultural crop soon after the 2014 US Farm Bill. When the 2018 US Farm Bill was released, South Carolina quickly moved to fall in line with the federal regulations regarding hemp production.

Hemp production, cultivation, and export are legal in South Carolina in accordance with Title 46 – Agriculture, CHAPTER 55, The Hemp Farming Act. Even though the 2018 US Farm Bill successfully removed hemp from the US Controlled Substance List, no one can grow, handle, or cultivate hemp plants without having first been issued a license from the South Carolina state government.

The United States and South Carolina Weed Laws

The United States and South Carolina Weed Laws

In 2018 the United States Congress passed the Agricultural Improvement Act, which is also referred to as the Farm Bill. The 2018 US Farm Bill made it legal at a federal to cultivate industrial hemp and produce goods from hemp such as CBD.

At the same time that they legalized hemp, they also defined the difference between hemp and marijuana, defining hemp as any cannabis plant which contained less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Therefore, despite hemp being legal now at a federal level, it is still up to individual states to form their laws and regulations regarding hemp.

What Is CBD (Cannabidiol)?

What Is CBD (Cannabidiol)

You may be surprised to learn that there are over 100 different cannabinoids found in the cannabis sativa plant. However, the two dominant or primary cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Almost all of the CBD products that you can purchase in South Carolina and across the United States are made using CBD that was sourced from industrial hemp plants.

CBD is non-psychotropic, unlike THC, which has hallucinogenic and euphoric properties. Therefore, CBD won’t get you high in any way. CBD is 100% legal in almost every state as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.

A variety of different studies have focused on the potential of CBD to help with reducing redness, body aches, and stress.

In addition, studies suggest that CBD is a powerful natural anti-skin redness. As a result, millions of people worldwide, including in South Carolina, are incorporating CBD into their daily health and wellness routine.

What could make CBD Illegal in South Carolina?

State regulations are that CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC, or they are illegal. It’s because of this that CBD products use CBD that has been sourced from industrial hemp plants rather than marijuana plants.

The 1970 Federal Controlled Substances Act categorized all types of cannabis, which includes hemp, as Schedule I narcotics. The 2014 US Farm Bill changed that when they recognized that there was a distinct difference between the marijuana and hemp plants.

To help make a clear definition between the two plants, they defined hemp as containing less than 0.3% THC and marijuana containing more than 0.3% THC.

Best South Carolina CBD Products

When it comes to buying any CBD products online in South Carolina, you have a lot of options. However, one of the best ways to buy CBD products is online.

There are various reputable companies such as Stirling that sell CBD products in South Carolina.

Recently, the United States Postal Service (USPS) updated its policy concerning shipping hemp and CBD products, making it legal to ship CBD products throughout the United States.

According to the USPS regulations, any company wishing to ship hemp and CBD products must be licensed by their state.

In addition, just like states selling CBD products, all CBD and hemp products must comply with federal regulations, which state hemp and CBD products cannot contain more than 0.3% THC.

If you have any questions about CBD products in South Carolina or would like to learn more about CBD, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at Stirling CBD.

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About the Author

A leader in the Hemp Industry since 2014, Joe has been at the forefront of the Hemp Industry's innovation and growth. He is passionate about creating an atmosphere of collaboration and education in the Hemp Industry through the growth of Stirling Oils. Prior to this, Joe led strategic growth teams and initiatives at HP, Lenovo, and Amazon. With a degree from SDSU and an MBA from Pepperdine, Joe guided numerous businesses beyond the $1B threshold.