Which Should You Choose Pure CBD Isolate or Full Spectrum CBD?
One of the hottest topics in the CBD world today is the simple question, “What is the best type of CBD?” And for a good reason. With CBD’s health benefits heavily trending on the internet, there is a lot of CBD information, and CBD misinformation found on the web. But what is Pure CBD Isolate? Is that even a good thing?
When people research “What is the best type of CBD” – one of the 1st questions is about “Full Spectrum CBD vs. Isolate CBD.”
Full Spectrum CBD companies claim their Full Spectrum product has an “Entourage Effect” and claim the different compounds of the plant work better together in the body. On the other hand, CBD Isolate fans love the cleanliness & purity of the product.
Let’s look into both these claims and see what the Science of CBD says.
After all, if you are spending your money on CBD, you want to get the best of the best. You want to make your hard-earned $$$’s go as far as possible.
So let’s ask, “What is the best type of CBD you can buy online or at a retail shop?” Full Spectrum or Isolate? First, we should clearly define each.
The Two Main Types of CBD
- Full Spectrum CBD – I will lump Broad Spectrum in here as it has many of the same pros/cons.
- Concentrated CBD – More commonly referred to as CBD Isolate.
- Interestingly, sales of the two different CBD types (Full Spectrum CBD/CBD Isolate) are about even. Pretty close to 50/50.
- Since CBD users are so passionate about the benefits of CBD, many are emotionally tied to their Full Spectrum/Isolate choice. It is personal – they believe the CBD they bought is the best one, and they made the right decision – so some may disregard the other type of CBD they did not purchase.
- You can find plenty of Good & Bad data/websites/feedback outlining a case for both sides.
CBD users want to feel good about their purchase & they look for data that aligns with their beliefs.
- Some people SWEAR CBD Isolate is the best, and the full spectrum contains unnecessary ingredients which are a waste. So…who is right?
- Well, before we look at the evidence, let’s clarify the difference between CBD Isolate and Full Spectrum CBD: Many people SWEAR Full Spectrum CBD is the best, and that CBD Isolate is a waste of money.
What is Pure CBD Isolate (CBD Concentrate)?
CBD Isolate is the purest form of CBD there is. That is why many people call it Concentrated CBD. Nobody on either side can dispute that this is the purest form of CBD. This is what Stirling produces – Pure CBD Isolate.
In Stirling CBD’s case, we take U.S Grown, Organic, GMO-Free Hemp and start by shredding it up into a pulp.
From there, we use Cold CO2 Extraction to isolate the CBD from all other compounds in the plant.
It is naturally refined down to a powder of +99.6% CBD.
No THC, no other cannabinoids. Just pure, concentrated CBD goodness. Pure, Potent, Tested CBD.
This pure CBD is then added to a hypoallergenic carrier oil (MCT) and to make our CBD Tinctures, CBD Lotions, and CBD Capsules.
What is Full Spectrum CBD?
Full Spectrum CBD also shreds the Hemp plant down to fiber. However, instead of extracting the CBD into a super-pure compound, Full Spectrum takes all the Hemp Plant components (CBD, THC, CBD1, CBDT, etc.).
In straightforward terms, Full Spectrum is about juicing the plant, doing some refinement, and introducing it into a carrier oil.
The Full Spectrum Group believes that since there are more Cannabinoid compounds in Hemp than CBD, it is better for you. In addition, they believe Full Spectrum is closer to “Nature’s Intended” Hemp plant and, therefore, better for you.
Many Full Spectrum CBD companies show charts and info-graphs describing all the ailments that THC and the other 115 cannabinoids found in Hemp cure.
Here is a good example:
You will not see clinical studies to prove these claims. Moreover, many of them are illegal.
Unfortunately, many of these charts are not backed by science, and you will not see a reference to reputable studies by universities or Doctors.
Stirling can make a chart saying just about anything we want; it does not make it true.
There are no conclusive University Studies completed that show cannabinoids other than CBD are beneficial for humans.
The other Cannabinoids & THC may be beneficial; they may not be.
But currently, no data is saying they are beneficial. As you will read later, large, well-funded clinical studies are showing they are not needed.
The Entourage Effect
The most commonly mentioned argument cited by the Full Spectrum crowd is a study by Hebrew University Study from 2015. This study claims High doses of THC combined with CBD have an “entourage effect.”
The study says that using all the components of the Marijuana Plant – CBD, THC, Terpenes, and other Cannabinoids help the body absorb and use THC & CBD while also reducing the negative effects of the THC.
The “Entourage Effect” Study does not say, in any way, that CBD + other Cannabinoids are more beneficial than CBD Isolate.
The Entourage Effect DOES say THC+CBD >THC alone.
This study’s misuse aligns perfectly with the full spectrum users’ beliefs & many people bought into the Full Spectrum Camp’s marketing. Unfortunately, those people may not have read the full study.
Interestingly, the World Health Organization studies show that “Neuro-imaging studies in humans and animals have shown that CBD has effects which are generally opposite to those of THC.” Simply Put – CBD and THC counteract each other, so why would a CBD company put ANY THC in their products?
Know we know that CBD companies’ claims of the Entourage Effect are debunked. We will talk about this later when we talk about the different kinds of CBD Drugs.
OK, Now We Understand The Difference Between CBD Isolate vs. Full Spectrum CBD. So what is better?
Glad you asked that!
I will focus on 3 important topics that can help shed some light on what is better. Within each topic, 1 point is awarded for the Full Spectrum or Isolate, depending on who has more science behind them.
Those 3 topics are:
- CBD Oil Scientific Research
- Drug Testing / THC
- Personal Preference
CBD Oil Scientific Research
United States Anti-Doping Agency Statements on CBD
The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) recently came out with new CBD findings and rules for Olympic Athletes.
The USADA defines itself as “USADA is the national anti-doping organization in the U.S. for Olympic, Paralympic, & Pan American Sport, protecting clean athletes & the integrity of sport.”
The USADA came out with some clear rules for their athletes.
Here is a summary of those rules:
#1 US Olympic Athletes can use CBD Isolate
#2 CBD Isolate may help Athletes Recover Quicker from a workout and reduce their use of over-the-counter medicines (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.)
#3 US & International Athletics allow CBD but will not allow any other Cannabinoids or THC in your body. No Full Spectrum Allowed.
This makes Stirling CBD safe for Athletes, including U.S. Olympians!
Any Full Spectrum / Board Spectrum CBD taken will fail the USADA drug test and get the athlete removed from professional or college sports.
Winner for Scientific Research – CBD Isolate. CBD Isolate gets 1 Point. The score is 1-0
Drug Testing – The Facts CBD Isolate vs. Full Spectrum CBD
CBD, by law, must have less than 0.3% THC in it. Full Spectrum CBD usually has a full 0.3%.
Quality CBD Isolate, like Stirling CBD, has 0%. And we prove it with 3rd party testing.
While the 0.3% THC in Full Spectrum is very low, there have been people who, under oath, have testified that they lost their job because they used a full spectrum product, and the THC showed up in their drug tests.
In fact, studies have shown that “Typically, THC is detectable for up to 90 days in hair, anywhere between 3 days to a month or longer in urine (depending on how often the person uses), up to 48 hours in saliva, and up to 36 hours in blood.” That’s a long time.
Many people have passed a drug test after using CBD with .3% THC in it, but there are clearly people who have not. I don’t have actual numbers on this, but it is a risk you should consider.
If you are an Athlete, 1st Responder, in the Medical Field, or anyone who gets tested for drugs, you will be safer with 0% THC instead of .3% THC. And with THC counteracting the CBD, there is no reason to have any THC at all.
Winner for Drug Testing – CBD Isolate. CBD Isolate gets 1 Point. The score 2-0
Is Pure CBD Isolate Or Broad Spectrum Better for Stress?
This is a difficult question to answer, as these two products are not that different. The difference between CBD isolate and broad-spectrum CBD is one of purity. CBD isolate contains only Cannabidiol and nothing else. On the other hand, broad-spectrum concentrates contain all the same cannabinoids found in the plant.
In that case, you are basically getting a purified version of the Hemp plant, with all of its essential ingredients concentrated. With an isolate (as the name implies), the CBD is isolated from everything else with a separate chemical process.
When it comes to stress, we would recommend broad-spectrum over isolate in most cases. This is because broad-spectrum concentrates contain things like CBG and even small amounts of THC. These cannabinoids are responsible for much of the relaxing effect often noticed by people who smoke Hemp flowers.
This relaxant effect definitely helps to soothe jangled nerves and reduce stress. This concept is usually referred to as “the entourage effect” because all of these Cannabinoids are meant to work together. Some would say that they are greater than the sum of their parts.
At the same time, CBD alone has proven to be very effective against stress. In fact, we were able to find multiple studies that proved this.
What CBD is Better – CBD Isolate or Full Spectrum CBD?
Who is better, Yankees or Redsox? It would be hard to change someone’s mind on this, but our research says Stirling CBD is the best you can buy online.
Do you like Red or Blue? Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie?
Like a lot of things, it comes down to you. We are not here to change your mind.
If you are getting a great response from your Full Spectrum, you might not want to mess with it – but the Science of CBD evidence is stacking up that CBD Isolate is a better choice.
Winner for Personal Preference – Tie. Both Isolate & Full Spectrum receive o.5 Points.
Final Score – Pure CBD Isolate 2.5 points, Full Spectrum 0.5 points
The FDA, the W.H.O., consumers, and researchers spending millions a year agree that CBD Isolate is a better choice than Full Spectrum CBD.
We would welcome feedback and comments.