Dreamland Awaits: How Delta 8 Sleep Gummies Can Transform Your Nights

Dreamland Awaits: How Delta 8 Sleep Gummies Can Transform Your Nights

By Joe Kryszak Published on 11/30/2023

Getting the right hours of sleep is everybody’s concern. We all know what it feels like when you have a few hours of sleep.

You frequently yawn which could ruin a good conversation.

You feel sluggish and find difficulty concentrating.

All in all your productivity for the day suffers when you lack sleep.

Good thing that we have discovered Delta 8 THC from the industrial hemp plant. Although it is a minor cannabinoid, Delta 8 THC products hold the potential to become the next natural sleeping aids.

We’ll talk more about Delta 8 THC, specifically in its edible form, in this post and we’re convinced you’ll agree that this amazing cannabinoid could really help you achieve a restful night’s sleep. 

Delta 8: The Basics of It

Hemp or cannabis plants are composed of various cannabinoids that work together to produce the effect that we desire. Delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly called Delta 8 THC, is one of these naturally occurring plant compounds.

Although Delta 8 shares a similar chemical structure with Delta 9, Delta 8 THC has lesser psychoactive effects as compared to Delta 9. This quality of Delta 8 explains why it will not produce the “high” we associate with traditional THC (Delta 9).

When people talk about THC, what they have in mind is Delta 9 THC; however, Delta 8 is a kind of cannabinoid that is gaining popularity due to its lesser “high” effects. Most Delta 8 comes from hemp plants since there is very little quantity of it among cannabis plants. Based on the 2018 Farm Bill, cultivation of hemp plants and selling hemp-based products are legal under federal law.

The law allows the selling of hemp-derived items because they contain no more than 0.3% of THC. These products are technically non-psychoactive substances. However, there are still some states that prohibit the selling of THC-infused products, and these include those that contain Delta 8 and Delta 9. As such, you should be aware of your state’s treatment of THC-based products.

There’s a steady rise in demand for Delta 8 products, and this could be attributed to the cannabinoid’s ability to help users fall asleep faster. People who resort to sleep aids are now turning to Delta 8 for a good night’s sleep. Initial research studies about Delta 8 state that it may help individuals experiencing trouble sleeping based on its interaction with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

Delta 8 and Sleep Quality: How Can It Help You Fall Asleep?

Delta 8 and Sleep Quality How Can It Help You Fall Asleep

So how does Delta 8 do its magic and make you fall asleep faster? Well, below is an in-depth discussion of the matter.

Delta 8 binds with specific cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system that function to regulate sleep and even promote relaxation. Such interaction results in calm breathing, average heart rate, and relaxed mental activity, which modulate your sleep-wake cycle. By these mechanisms, Delta 8 offers a sense of calmness that is conducive to falling and staying asleep.

Because the sedative properties of Delta 8 are less potent than Delta 9, this leads to healthy sleep cycles. The outcome is a restful night’s sleep without much intoxication. Several users describe Delta 8 as providing them with a quiet mind and relaxed body. These effects make Delta 8 a potential sleep aid for people seeking to overcome sleep disorders or disturbances.

Furthermore, Delta 8 activates certain neurotransmitters in the brain that encourage consistent sleep patterns because they affect the human sleep cycle. For example, Delta 8 THC could help increase melatonin production, as well as dopamine levels, which are responsible for calming a troubled mind and could result in fewer nightmares as you stay asleep.

Despite the effects mentioned above of Delta 8 THC, more research is needed to compare its sleeping effects with other sleep aids.

To explore further how Delta 8 THC helps you sleep, we provided its effects on the human body below: 

Makes you sleep faster

For some people, the issue is not about experiencing sleep or staying asleep, but they cannot sleep quickly. They toss and turn multiple times for hours before they can even sleep.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Delta 8 interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors in the human brain that provide deep relaxation, preparing your body for sleep and balancing the sleep-wake cycles. Delta 8 also affects REM sleep, which is another fantastic effect of the cannabinoid on human rest.

Such influence explains why Delta 8 does not only provide a better night’s sleep but it can also make you fall asleep easier. 

Gives you relief from discomfort

Sleepless nights and other sleep issues are commonly related to certain pain signals that manifest in your body. Delta 8 addresses this issue by helping your muscles relax and relieve them from discomfort. With this effect, you can experience better sleep in no time, making Delta 8 an efficient natural sleep aid. 

Provides relaxation before sleeping

Sometimes, the culprit for not experiencing better sleep quality is because of something deeper aside from your circadian rhythm. Many people cannot attain restful sleep since they have heavy thoughts, rumination, and high stress levels that keep their minds busy, so falling asleep becomes a bit of a challenge. 

Delta 8 Gummies Your Reliable Sleeping Aid

Delta 8 Gummies Your Reliable Sleeping Aid

Delta 8 gummies are a convenient way to harness D8’s sleep-promoting effects. Compared with vaping, ingestible gummies undergo a slower process of absorption and metabolism since the process involves the digestive system. The delayed outset means Delta 8 gummies will need over an hour to feel the effects, against the rapid effects of Delta 8 vapes.

Today, Delta 8 gummies come in different flavors for you to enjoy. But we want to caution you here to only buy gummies that have natural flavors in them because this quality is good for your health. 

How Stirling CBD Sleep Gummies Set Themselves Apart

Stirling CBD gummies are unique in their own way due to the following reasons: 

We use pectin instead of gelatin.

Our gummies use pectin rather than gelatin. Here’s why.

Pectin is a soluble fiber that occurs naturally in fruit peels and skins. This natural molecule offers digestive and cholesterol-lowering advantages. But the most important thing about pectin is that it is not derived from animal parts which is a property of gelatin compound.

To prepare gelatin, you need to boil down animal collagen which is sourced from animal skins, bones, and connective tissues. Due to this fact, many animal lovers view gelatin as unappetizing and unethical to consume. And Stirling agrees with them, 100%. 

Our D8 sleep gummies are infused with the Broad Spectrum Delta 8 THC.

Although broad-spectrum Delta 8 products are THC-free, they can still provide the sought-after entourage effect. The numerous minor cannabinoids present (CBD, CBN, CBG, etc.) along with the existing terpenes work cooperatively for a well-rounded impact on the users’ bodies. Our Delta 8 Sleep Gummies work synergistically to support relaxation, calmness, and a better sleep experience. Experience the balancing power of Delta 8 THC and other cannabinoids working together for your holistic wellness.

Our extraction method is innovative and unique.

The Stirling extraction method sets us apart by humanely harvesting pure, unadulterated CBD without harsh chemicals. We employ the propriety “Cavitation” technique that uses only water and air to gently separate valuable trichomes from the hemp plant. During cavitation, bubbles formed in liquid water release trichomes through gentle disturbance of the plant material, without damaging critical glands and resin heads. This creates smoothly liberated, intact trichomes bursting with cannabinoids and terpenes.

We never use toxic solvent extraction methods butane, hexane, or ethanol. Unlike CO2 systems that employ immense pressure, our water-based cavitation preserves delicate terpenes and aromatic molecules damaged by high-heat CO2. Our singular methodology produces extraordinarily pure CBD extracts brimming with the full bouquet of over 140 native hemp compounds. 

Other Ways to Use Delta 8 as A Natural Sleep Aid

Other Ways to Use Delta 8 as A Natural Sleep Aid

Before incorporating Delta 8 into your bedtime routine, you should first consult a medical professional to determine if this cannabinoid is right for you. Although Delta 8 has few adverse effects, you still need medical guidance.

Your next step is to choose the right delivery method for Delta 8 in your system. Here are your options: 

By vaping

If you vape Delta 8, the effect is a faster sleep onset. However, this method does not provide accurate dosage, so beginners should be very cautious using Delta 8 Vapes. 

By tinctures

Delta 8 tinctures and soft gels allow convenient and direct dosing to promote sleep. These encapsulated oils and liquid concentrates offer a fast-acting way to administer delta 8. Place a few drops of Delta 8 tincture under the tongue to absorb it sublingually if you want the sleep-enhancing effects to onset quickly. The results will manifest within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Now that you have determined which delivery method suits you, identifying the right strength of Delta 8 comes next. Like CBD, Delta 8 comes with varying potency, and the principle of “starting low and going slow” applies, especially for beginners. If you are a newbie to Delta 8 THC, you may begin consuming 5-10 mg of Delta 8 THC, waiting at least 2 hours to monitor the effects before taking a slightly higher dosage. Increments of 5-10 mg each time are the way to go in order to avoid overshooting of dosage. For seasoned Delta 8 users, a product with a high dosage should satisfy your cravings, but it still pays well to practice moderation.

Combining Delta 8 with other cannabinoids is another way to enjoy Delta 8. THC and CBD seem to demonstrate synergistic effects that bring about each other’s maximum output. You may try a Delta 8 product mixed with other hemp plant compounds to address sleep problems. 

Other Delta 8 Potential Benefits for You

According to the National C*ncer Institute, Delta 8 THC has a unique manner of binding to the cannabinoid receptors of the human ECS. These receptors assist to promote relaxation of your body which is necessary to improve sleep quality.

With the growing number of research studies on Delta 8 THC, scientists discover other potential health benefits Delta 8 THC could bring: 

Delta 8 THC and Pain

Emerging research on Delta 8 THC indicates it may have properties that encourage natural pain relief. Lab studies support Delta 8’s potential pain-relieving effects. Observational data also points to Delta-8 having anti-swelling qualities that could decrease the pain you are experiencing.

The proposed mechanism is that Delta-8 activates certain cannabinoid receptors located throughout the brain and nervous system that mediate pain signals. Endogenous endocannabinoids bind to these same receptors to exert natural pain-relieving effects.

What this means for you is you may take Delta-8 gummies after a long stay in the gym to encourage faster recovery of your swollen muscles. Or if you have body aches following intense physical activity (like mowing your lawn or fixing your fence), Delta 8 may help ease the pain. 

Delta 8 THC and Appetite

Research suggests Delta-8 THC may have appetite-stimulation qualities more potent than Delta-9 THC. Though both THC variants can increase appetite through activation of CB1 receptors, early laboratory data implies delta-8 may have greater effects on hunger signaling pathways in the brain.

A study comparing the two compounds found that delta-8 administration led to 50% higher food intake volume than delta-9 THC among test subjects. The heightened appetite-enhancing attributes of Delta-8 observed across preliminary studies provide compelling evidence that this cannabinoid could have potential medical benefits for treating eating disorders or supporting weight gain in clinical populations.

So, if you are aiming to gain weight Delta 8 THC could boost your appetite which will eventually lead to an increase in pounds. Individuals who are experiencing reduced food intake due to some medical conditions may also benefit from Delta 8’s appetite-encouraging effect. 

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9: Which One is Better?

Delta 8 vs. Delta 9 Which One is Better

Delta 8 THC is an isomer of the more common delta 9 THC, meaning the two share nearly identical chemical structures except for one different bond. Delta 8 occurs naturally in small amounts when cannabis plants are exposed to air and light.

Very little research exists on delta 8’s effects in humans. But based on its similar structure to delta 9 and animal studies, delta 8 appears to produce comparable psychoactive effects to the more researched delta 9 THC. Both THC isomers generate their mind-altering properties by binding to cannabinoid receptors scattered throughout the brain.

However, studies show delta 8 binds less strongly to these receptors, making it seem less potent than delta 9. Delta 8 is often referred to as “diet weed” and marketed as a milder version of Delta 9 THC. While their structures are almost identical, the slightly different binding of delta 8 at cannabinoid receptors may contribute to its purportedly weaker, more manageable psychoactive effects compared to delta 9 THC. 

Safety of Delta 8

Overall, Delta 8 is safe to consume, but you should only buy Delta 8 products from trusted online stores like Stirling CBD.

Side Effects

It is important to remember that not everyone reacts the same way when consuming Delta 8 products. Side effects may still occur, and here are some of them for your reference:

  • Stomach upset
  • Irregular bowel movement
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Lightheadedness

Immediately seek medical help if these side effects persist.

Also, you should avoid taking Delta 8 THC gummies if you are currently under prescription medications. Seek the advice of your doctor before trying Delta 8 goods. 

Pregnant and Lactating Women

Many health organizations strongly advise that pregnant and lactating women should steer away from all hemp-derived products as they may harm the development of fetuses and babies. Cannabinoids such as Delta 8 and Delta 9 are fat soluble. This characteristic allows them to be passed onto the infant as the mother breastfeeds.

We have clinical studies that show fetuses exposed to cannabinoids have more risks of attaining low birth weight. 

Responsibility is Everybody’s Concern

Responsible Delta 8 use likely poses little danger for healthy adults. However, the risk exists due to minimal regulation of over-the-counter hemp products. Contamination from heavy metals, pesticides, and mold is possible in untested Delta 8 products. More concerning are potentially toxic residual solvents left from the CBD conversion process. Without oversight to ensure purity, Delta 8 products sold without prescriptions could be unsafe.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Delta 8's effect last?

The duration of delta 8 high can vary substantially based on the individual and product used but typically lasts 3 to 8 hours. Inhalation via vaping or smoking provides the fastest onset and shortest duration, with effects fading after around 3 hours. Edibles and tinctures have a slower onset as they undergo digestive absorption, but the high will linger longer, potentially up to 8 hours. Higher potency delta 8 concentrates consumed in larger doses can prolong the effects further. Personal factors like metabolism rate and tolerance also influence duration. Frequent delta 8 users develop tolerance over time, decreasing the length of the high. First-time or sensitive users may experience effects lasting up to 6 hours.

What is the optimal dosage for Delta 8?

First-time or cautious Delta 8 users should remain under 15mg to gauge tolerance. Occasional delta 8 consumers may enjoy a 15-45mg dose once accustomed to initial responses. Only regular, tolerant Delta 8 patrons should exceed 45mg, with extreme caution taken up to an estimated ceiling of 150mg. Exceeding this highest tier sharply increases adverse side effect risks without added benefits. By beginning low and then creeping the dose up, the ideal balance of Delta 8’s medicinal qualities and enjoyable buzz can be learned for one’s unique physiology. Let the dictates of your body, not rigid charts, finalize your optimal delta 8 dose. To be sure about the dosage, consult a healthcare provider before taking Delta 8 products.

What to look for when buying Delta 8 products?

There are some critical things to consider when buying CBD Gummies online. Here are Stirling’s recommendations on what to consider: 3rd Party Tested CBD Gummies You want your CBD Gummies to be tested by a reputable 3rd Party. All Stirling CBD Gummies are tested to ensure we give you pure CBD products. We include a QR code on each bottle of CBD gummies with a link right to our 3rd Party Testing. Organic Hemp When purchasing CBD Gummies or any other CBD Products, you want to ensure you get the CBD and THC from Hemp. Organic Hemp-derived CBD products are legal, while cannabis-derived CBD gummies are not. Buy Gummies from a Reputable Company What are customers saying about the company? What kind of reviews are customers leaving for the company? It is critical to get honest feedback to ensure the company you buy CBD Gummies from has good standing.

Is Delta 8 THC legal?

The legality of Delta 8 heavily depends on the state where you are. In 2018, the Farm Bill legalized hemp along with its derivatives, including the major and minor cannabinoids, since hemp-based products are expected to contain not more than 0.3% THC. Now, it is important to stress that the Farm Bill does not explicitly mention Delta 8 THC. This made Delta 8 THC dwell in the gray area – it could be legal federally speaking if it meets the THC requirement, yet states could have the freedom to allow or prohibit its sale.

Will I fail a drug test when I take Delta 8 products?

Yes, it is very likely that you will fail a standard drug test after taking delta-8 THC products. The reason is that most drug tests do not actually look for delta-8 or delta-9 THC itself. Instead, they test for THC metabolites that are produced when the body breaks down THC after ingestion.

Are Delta 8 products alternatives to sleeping pills?

Many people turn to Delta 8 gummies because they are hoping that they can replace their medical-grade sleep aids. To give you an honest answer, we need more research to determine if Delta 8 can reliably provide that kind of alternative. Yes, we do have some early studies that point in that direction but the results are not yet conclusive. Researchers and scientists alike need to do bigger, better-quality studies to confirm Delta 8’s ability to replace sleeping pills.

Can Delta 8 THC help me with my creativity?

When it comes to cannabis and hemp, you have probably heard about those famous artists make claim that THC-infused products are their creative muses. And it should make some total sense to think that Delta 8 THC could boost your creative energy. Here’s the deal – there isn’t yet research specifically on Delta 8 for creativity. But some studies have hinted that THC in general may crank up activity in brain areas involved with the imagination. It might help people generate more unique ideas through changes in their thinking patterns.

About the Author

A leader in the Hemp Industry since 2014, Joe has been at the forefront of the Hemp Industry's innovation and growth. He is passionate about creating an atmosphere of collaboration and education in the Hemp Industry through the growth of Stirling Oils. Prior to this, Joe led strategic growth teams and initiatives at HP, Lenovo, and Amazon. With a degree from SDSU and an MBA from Pepperdine, Joe guided numerous businesses beyond the $1B threshold.