Can CBD Provide Relief for Knee Pain?
Knee discomfort can be debilitating, and if left untreated can lead to a more serious condition. There are many options in how to deal with throbbing knees including traditional and alternative methods. Individuals worn out by conventional over-the-counter solutions may discover an exceptional alternative for managing discomfort.
In a 2022 study, they found that many people suffering from severe knee discomfort have considered CBD for relief. 79% of the survey participants have either used CBD, considered using CBD, or are presently using CBD.
2022 Survey Results – What You Can Take from It
The Arthr******* Foundation (name is blurred due to regulations) conducted a Survey in the August of 2022 with 2600 participants. The survey showed that the majority of the participants are aware of and some are even familiar with CBD.
Of the 79% who are either using CBD or are considering taking the product have said they do it because of alleviate relief benefits. 29% of the 79% say they take CBD for severe knee discomfort and have gotten effective to very effective results.
Many who use CBD for fast relief use it on a daily basis and prefer products that are either liquid-based or topical in nature. 62% use liquid form such as CBD Oils and water soluble CBD, and 55% use CBD creams.
Real Life Stories From CBD Users
It’s enough to just have data, what better way to hear how CBD is helping people deal with discomfort than asking our loyal customers how it has helped them. We interviewed two of our regular customers via zoom and asked them their CBD success stories.
CBD Oil Helped Me with Discomfort I had over a Decade
Amy Lang, our initial interviewee, discussed her mother’s severe knee condition. She mentioned how she buys CBD to support her mom and shared that it’s the only product that has provided relief in her mother’s almost decade-long fight.
“She’s had this condition for almost a decade now. We’ve tried every prescription drug but none of them would work after continuous use. Her body becomes used to the drug’s effect to the point that it won’t work on her anymore. We saw a post about using CBD for constant distress and we decided to give it a try. Fortunately it worked!”
“CBD does wonders for her. Before, she’d just be stuck in bed whenever her knee started acting up. After she started taking CBD, she could now walk, do her usual chores, and most importantly tend to her garden. She’d do all of those despite feeling the spasms.” Amy shares.
“Me and my mom recommend Stirling’s THC-Free CBD Oil 1500mg to anyone.”
Save More on Medical Costs with CBD for Discomfort
Our second success story comes from Gary Reynolds. Gary suffers from acute knee discomfort which requires him to get shots to alleviate discomfort. He shares how CBD not only helped him cut medical costs but also do more in life.
“I’m on knee injections to alleviate discomfort. Been in for a few years now. Those things aren’t cheap. I was looking for more natural ways to quell the suffering.”
“A friend of mine recommended CBD so I decided to give it a go. Best decision ever. It worked wonders. Now I’m able to decrease the number of injections from weekly to just once a month! It lowered my med bills and more importantly it helped me get my mobility back. Really grateful to Stirling for creating amazing products for people like me.”
“You won’t see me without these in my bag now” Gary states while showing the new batch of CBD Muscle Gel he ordered to the camera.
Don’t Let Pain Rule Your Life
In life you can’t predict the illnesses that come our way, nor can you ignore the symptoms they bring. But, what you can do is find ways to minimize the effects of it. CBD can help you lessen the suffering and hopefully get your life back on track. Don’t let knee discomfort limit your capabilities, instead quell the agony with potent, proven, and tested CBD.